SmartStore and nopCommerce Solutions

case studies

Transforming E-Commerce with BIZSOL's Custom SmartStore and nopCommerce Solutions

Since 2018, BIZSOL Technologies has been at the forefront of e-commerce innovation, offering specialized support and development services for SmartStore and nopCommerce platforms. Our mission is to enhance the e-commerce experience for over 120 businesses through bespoke themes, plugins, and comprehensive support. Our expertise lies in navigating complex e-commerce challenges and delivering solutions that drive success and efficiency.

Challenges and Solutions

Centralized Multi-Store Management


One of the most significant hurdles we encountered was enabling seamless management of multiple e-commerce stores across different domains from a singular admin panel. Traditional open-source e-commerce platforms lacked this functionality, complicating operations for businesses managing diverse product lines and geographic locations.


BIZSOL's development team embarked on a rigorous two-year project to reengineer the core business logic of SmartStore. By customizing the open-source code, we successfully implemented a multi-store feature that allowed centralized control over various stores, each with distinct products and domains. This innovation significantly streamlined operations and provided our clients with a competitive edge in managing their e-commerce ecosystems.

Dynamic Form Builder for Enhanced Customer Engagement


Our clients expressed a need for a dynamic tool to create custom forms for surveys, campaigns, and other interactive customer engagements. Existing solutions were either too rigid or required extensive coding knowledge, limiting their usability for the average e-commerce site owner.


To address this, we developed a versatile form builder plugin that allows users to design and implement various types of input forms without any coding expertise. This tool empowered our clients to collect valuable customer data, conduct market research, and personalize marketing efforts, thereby enhancing user engagement and driving sales.

Integration of Crypto Payments


As cryptocurrencies gained popularity, there was a growing demand for e-commerce platforms to accept crypto payments. However, integrating such payments into existing systems, especially within the Ethereum network, posed technical and security challenges.


BIZSOL developed a crypto payment plugin that facilitated secure and efficient transactions in Ethereum, opening up new avenues for our clients to tap into the burgeoning market of crypto-savvy shoppers. This plugin not only diversified payment options but also positioned our clients as forward-thinking, tech-savvy retailers.

Customizable Bundle Orders and Integration with Shipfy


Customizable bundle orders presented a complex challenge in terms of inventory and order management, particularly for clients looking to offer a mix-and-match of products in a single order.


Our team devised an innovative approach to bundle management, allowing customers to create custom orders with multiple bundles and varying quantities. This solution was seamlessly integrated with Shipfy for efficient order fulfillment, revolutionizing how our clients processed and managed bundled orders.

Square Payment Method and 3D Secure Integration


Implementing the Square payment method and ensuring transactions were secured with 3D Secure were crucial for clients who needed advanced payment solutions beyond what was available in SmartStore by default.


By developing a dedicated plugin, we enabled the integration of Square payments along with the added security layer of 3D Secure. This not only expanded the payment options available to our clients but also enhanced the security and trustworthiness of their e-commerce platforms.

Google Shop Plugin Integration


E-commerce businesses increasingly recognized the value of integrating their product listings and reviews with Google Shop to enhance visibility and drive traffic. However, creating a real-time synchronization between an e-commerce platform and Google's vast ecosystem involved navigating complex APIs and ensuring data consistency and accuracy, a task that many found daunting and technically challenging.


Recognizing this gap, BIZSOL Technologies developed a specialized Google Shop plugin for nopCommerce, designed to automate and simplify the process of listing products and managing reviews on Google Shop. This plugin facilitated seamless, real-time updates of product information and customer reviews between the e-commerce site and Google, ensuring that potential customers received up-to-date information. The integration not only improved product visibility on one of the world's largest search platforms but also enhanced the credibility of businesses through the display of real-time customer feedback. The development process involved extensive research and testing to ensure compliance with Google's API requirements and to maintain high standards of data security and privacy. This plugin became a crucial tool for e-commerce businesses looking to expand their online presence and attract more customers through Google's shopping platform.

BIZSOL Technologies‘ journey through the development of over 100 plugins for SmartStore and nopCommerce is a testament to our unwavering dedication to e-commerce innovation. Our in-depth experience and skilled resources have allowed us to tackle complex challenges, providing tailored solutions that drive growth and operational efficiency for our clients. As we continue to explore new frontiers in e-commerce technology, BIZSOL remains committed to delivering excellence and transforming the digital retail landscape.

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